Michael Mchunu Michael.Mchunu at wits.ac.za
Sat Sep 7 19:36:43 SAST 2013

Hi All

As you know, your TEST 2 is coming up on Friday 13, SEPTEMBER.

Here is a rough structure of the sections you should expect (note: subject to change)

  1.  SECTION 1 –           Definitions                                                                         -- 5 Marks
  2.  SECTION 2 --          Matching                                                                            -- 10 Marks
  3.  SECTION 3 --          Fill-in-blank                                                                        -- 5 Marks
  4.  SECTION 4 --          MCQs                                                                                   -- 20 Marks
  5.  SECTION 5 --          FSPs                                                                                      -- 25 Marks
  6.  SECTION 6 --          DS Questions                                                                      --  20 Marks
  7.  SECTION 7 --          Concurrency (ME, Monitors, Semaphores, etc.)         -- 20 Marks

Remember, this is a rough scope.

For the FSP questions, you need to have a clear understanding of the following:
Indexed actions, Indexed processes, Guarded actions, Alphabet extension, Hiding, Relabelling, Composition, etc.

Reading the following CHAPTERS in your textbooks will help you:

  1.  CHAPTER 2 and CHAPTER 3 of the Distributed Systems TEXTBOOK. Remember to read the chapters and the slides very carefully. You might see questions in the different sections.
  2.  CHAPTER 3, 4 and 5 of the Concurrency TEXTBOOK. You need to read these chapters with understanding. Do not cram or memorize anything. The content is good to read and understand.

Generally, the class did reasonably well in TEST 1. I will now be marking your PROJECT 1.

Cheers and starting preparing for the test!

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