[Astrophysics] Session two requests.

Siphiwe Thwala Siphiwe.Thwala at students.wits.ac.za
Thu Aug 7 10:01:02 SAST 2014

Hi all,

I've received a number of emails asking for some clarification on a couple of matters.

Firstly to collect the necessary files you need to go to Moodle (which is the site we will be using for this interest group) http://courses.ms.wits.ac.za/moodle, download the files and follow the Example Commands.

For the enjoyment task that was given to you by Asha:

If you open the starsub.py on line 23 you have the explanation of the parameters that you should be playing around with:

ipix = int(sys.argv[1])         # half length (radius) of the inner squre: 100
Dmin = float(sys.argv[2])       # inner radius to be cut out: 50.0  
Nsub = int(sys.argv[3])         # Number of bright spots to be removed: 33
imap = int(sys.argv[4])         # Radius of individual spheres to be removed : 9

We suggest that you only play around with the last two parameters because the first two are optimized for the problem. 

The part that reads:  python starsub.py 100 50 33 9

in your Example Commands is where you would make these alterations as you type them in the terminal.

With that said you are more than welcome to play around with the first two and see what comes up(",), the whole point of us giving you code is to learn and experiment with different ideas.

Some people have said they understand other programming languages better than python. 

If that is the case, you are also welcome to translate it into those languages and share it with the group, it is possible that it MIGHT be easier to understand in that language than it is in python.

Thank you,

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