[SAHS] 2024 SAHS Biennial Conference @ the University of Johannesburg - abstract deadline reminder

Sparks, Stephen sjwsparks at uj.ac.za
Thu Feb 22 07:55:56 SAST 2024

Fellow Historians,

A reminder that while there's still time for actual registrations, the deadline for abstract submissions for the 2024 SAHS Biennial Conference, hosted by the UJ History Department of 29 February is fast approaching! No, your paper does not have to be about 'crises' per se.

Please submit your abstracts here: https://sahs.org.za/event/2024-sahs-biennial-conference/<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsahs.org.za%2Fevent%2F2024-sahs-biennial-conference%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0Jzezxsews_9VMfEsNthJumQ0_BlI9VpJEQsGZpA4E4FiQCiDR_ycsuuA&h=AT3pUhQ4SWztpSAm0T01SqdM-WFdq4kJsTR--AUBBx8R7zTxkDWT6_UZbx9S-dFM6jm16Bk4tIPawztF3aoNlfSBe0M1m4Xim1ttgvN9seQ15lhnKu1hmdIqQklG3NBsvw&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3ZF_i9FegFRBik2RGcknp5YQ0YclKnzlC-EFIQo2kXhL1X-devtHgWPFFmh0CTi-93SO5vonckxqXv5toW-xeGC5FLuRVQz0T25CcREFYOwXQ95fCyz9f3V86TjHlQoDs9mBUDjrOMVolRe0uJBnGYHT6nKpeQ7nmRBpbJwVev6THmYr_YAA>

You can also (safely) pay for your Association membership via the website.

If you're in two minds about Joburg in the winter, I can assure that the quality of discussion and conviviality (including at the gala dinner - exciting details still be announced) will be very warming. We'll also be announcing details about the conference 'Keynotes' shortly.


Stephen Sparks (Local Organising Committee member)


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