mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
2024_wits_wmc_satmo | [no description available] |
Aeciwines | 1 |
Afshg_listserve | African Society of Human Genetics |
All-grt-inspired | [no description available] |
Altsa | [no description available] |
Alumni.apes | [no description available] |
Amfalumni | [no description available] |
Apes-honorary | [no description available] |
Appm1 | Computational and Applied Mathematics I Major |
Appm2 | Computational and Applied Mathematics II Major |
Appm3 | Computational and Applied Mathematics III Major |
Asc | [no description available] |
Bat_tutors2024 | [no description available] |
Bhalisa | [no description available] |
Bis-vacwork | [no description available] |
CAE | Centre for African Ecology |
Camhons | [no description available] |
Cammsc | [no description available] |
Campg | [no description available] |
Camstaff | [no description available] |
Cappaudc2025.sgo | [no description available] |
CCSIG | [no description available] |
Clinicalheads | [no description available] |
CoE-MaSS-AlgTop | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Algebra and Topology |
CoE-MaSS-All | All members of the CoE-MaSS |
CoE-MaSS-EducRes | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematics Education Research. |
CoE-MaSS-FocusAreas | All FACs and AFACs of the CoE-MaSS |
CoE-MaSS-GraphTheory | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Graph Theory |
CoE-MaSS-Industry | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematics in Industry |
CoE-MaSS-LifeSci | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematical Modelling and Analysis in Life Sciences |
CoE-MaSS-MathPhys | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematical Physics |
CoE-MaSS-MILE | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Machine Intelligence and Learning from Experience |
CoE-MaSS-MISGSA | A list for all Mathematics in Industry Study Group Members |
CoE-MaSS-Nodes | All node leaders of the CoE-MaSS |
CoE-MaSS-NumApplied | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Numerical and Applied Mathematics. |
CoE-MaSS-NumberTheory | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Number Theory. |
CoE-MaSS-OpAlg | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis. |
CoE-MaSS-Statistics | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Statistics |
CoE-MaSS-SteerCo | All Steering Committee members of the CoE-MaSS |
CoE-MaSS-Students | CoE-MaSS 2014-2016 Students |
CoE-MaSS-Students2018 | CoE-MaSS 2018 Students |
CoE-MaSS-Students2019 | CoE-MaSS 2019 Students |
CoE-MaSS-Students2020 | CoE-MaSS 2020 Students |
CoE-MaSS-Students2021 | CoE-MaSS 2021 Students |
CoE-MaSS-Students2022 | CoE-MaSS 2022 Students |
CoE-MaSS-Students2023 | CoE-MaSS 2023 Students |
CoE-MaSS-Symmetries | CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Symmetries, Mechanics, and Applications. |
Coms1 | Computer Science I Major |
Coms2 | Computer Science II Major |
Coms3 | Computer Science III Major |
Comsstaff | Computer Science Staff |
Consultants | [no description available] |
Copyright | [no description available] |
Cs-alumni | [no description available] |
Csam | CSAM staff |
Csamhons | [no description available] |
Csammsc | [no description available] |
Csamphd | [no description available] |
Cshons | Computer Science Honours |
Csmsc | Computer Science MSc |
Cspg | Computer Science Postgraduate |
Csphd | Computer Science PhD |
DataPrivacyMatters | Data Privacy Matters! event mailing list |
Datasciencestrategicgroup | [no description available] |
Dept-sbimb | All SBIMB staff, postdocs and students |
Ditsela-law | [no description available] |
Ditsela-lead | [no description available] |
Ditsela-org | [no description available] |
Ditsela-wom | [no description available] |
Eoh | [no description available] |
Fac-hs-academics | [no description available] |
Fac-hs-medsch | [no description available] |
Fac-hs-pas | [no description available] |
Fellows | [no description available] |
Gauteng-imas | Gauteng-IMAS |
Gci-m | Global Change Institute mailing list |
Grt-inspired-academics | [no description available] |
Hcg-honoursandmasters | [no description available] |
Humanitiesacademicstaff | [no description available] |
humanitiesgraduatecentre | [no description available] |
Humanitiesgraduatecentre2022 | [no description available] |
Humgen-seminars | [no description available] |
Humgen_staff | [no description available] |
Humgen_students | [no description available] |
IDORI | Wits IDORI mailing list |
journalclub-sbimb | SBIMB Journal Club list |
Kudus | Varsity Kudus Running Club |
LINK-Info | LINK Centre information: research outputs, events, course offerings |
Macsupport | Mac support group |
Madiva-coordination | [no description available] |
Mailman | [no description available] |
Mailman | [no description available] |
Mailmanadmin | [no description available] |
Marketing-media-list | [no description available] |
MaterialsScience | All Materials Science and Solid-State Researchers at Wits |
Math1 | Mathematics I Major |
Math2 | Mathematics II Major |
Math3 | Mathematics III Major |
Mngmtcore-grt-inspired | [no description available] |
Mss | Mathematical Sciences Support |
Ncc | [no description available] |
NTEU | [no description available] |
Nuta | [no description available] |
Nuta-adjudicators | [no description available] |
Nuta-mentorship | [no description available] | | [no description available] |
Paeds-consultants | Paediatric Consultants |
Paudc2025.sgo | [no description available] |
Raa | [no description available] |
Registrar | [no description available] |
Research-associates.scis | [no description available] |
Research.Management | Wits Research Admin & Management |
Saci | [no description available] |
SafetyComm-MSB | MSB/MSL Building Safety Committee |
SAHS | Southern African Historical Society |
Samsalist | [no description available] |
SARIMAportfoliocomm-rm | SARIMA RM Portfolio Comm |
Saut.ncc | [no description available] |
Saut.nuta | [no description available] |
Saut.nutaadj | [no description available] |
sbimb-awigen-steerco | AWI-Gen Steering Committee |
Sch_chemistry_postdoc | [no description available] |
SciComm | Internal Wits science communication mailing list |
SciFac-DSC-EarthSci | Faculty of Science Deans' Select Comm in Earth Sciences |
Scis-mcom2024 | [no description available] |
Sef-students | [no description available] |
Shac | [no description available] |
Shcd.council | [no description available] |
Stathons | [no description available] |
Stats | Stats Staff |
Stats2 | Statistics II Major |
Stats3 | Statistics III Major |
steerco.awi-gen | AWI-Gen Steering Committee |
Sugarman | [no description available] |
Tap | [no description available] |
Test | [no description available] |
Test1 | [no description available] |
Test_research | [no description available] |
Turing-Tipplers | Private |
wits-core-announce | Wits Core Research Cluster User |
Witscommunity | [no description available] |
Witsjunction2025 | [no description available] |
WitsResearchOffice | Advertising research funding opportunities |
Wmc-2023registeredschools | [no description available] |
WMC-All-Schools | WMC All Schools |
WMC-PreviouslyRegistered | Wits Maths Competition-previouslyregistered |
Wmc-registeredschools2022 | WMC Registered Schools |
Wmc-wits-students-2022 | [no description available] |
Wmc_2024_registered_schools | [no description available] |
Wmc_teachers | [no description available] |
Wsgvisitingstaff | [no description available] |
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