Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
2024_wits_wmc_satmo [no description available]
Aeciwines 1
Afshg_listserve African Society of Human Genetics
All-grt-inspired [no description available]
Altsa [no description available]
Alumni.apes [no description available]
Amfalumni [no description available]
Apes-honorary [no description available]
Appm1 Computational and Applied Mathematics I Major
Appm2 Computational and Applied Mathematics II Major
Appm3 Computational and Applied Mathematics III Major
Asc [no description available]
Bat_tutors2024 [no description available]
Bhalisa [no description available]
Bis-vacwork [no description available]
CAE Centre for African Ecology
Camhons [no description available]
Cammsc [no description available]
Campg [no description available]
Camstaff [no description available]
Cappaudc2025.sgo [no description available]
CCSIG [no description available]
Clinicalheads [no description available]
CoE-MaSS-AlgTop CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Algebra and Topology
CoE-MaSS-All All members of the CoE-MaSS
CoE-MaSS-EducRes CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematics Education Research.
CoE-MaSS-FocusAreas All FACs and AFACs of the CoE-MaSS
CoE-MaSS-GraphTheory CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Graph Theory
CoE-MaSS-Industry CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematics in Industry
CoE-MaSS-LifeSci CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematical Modelling and Analysis in Life Sciences
CoE-MaSS-MathPhys CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Mathematical Physics
CoE-MaSS-MILE CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Machine Intelligence and Learning from Experience
CoE-MaSS-MISGSA A list for all Mathematics in Industry Study Group Members
CoE-MaSS-Nodes All node leaders of the CoE-MaSS
CoE-MaSS-NumApplied CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Numerical and Applied Mathematics.
CoE-MaSS-NumberTheory CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Number Theory.
CoE-MaSS-OpAlg CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis.
CoE-MaSS-Statistics CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Statistics
CoE-MaSS-SteerCo All Steering Committee members of the CoE-MaSS
CoE-MaSS-Students CoE-MaSS 2014-2016 Students
CoE-MaSS-Students2018 CoE-MaSS 2018 Students
CoE-MaSS-Students2019 CoE-MaSS 2019 Students
CoE-MaSS-Students2020 CoE-MaSS 2020 Students
CoE-MaSS-Students2021 CoE-MaSS 2021 Students
CoE-MaSS-Students2022 CoE-MaSS 2022 Students
CoE-MaSS-Students2023 CoE-MaSS 2023 Students
CoE-MaSS-Symmetries CoE-MaSS-Focus Area in Symmetries, Mechanics, and Applications.
Coms1 Computer Science I Major
Coms2 Computer Science II Major
Coms3 Computer Science III Major
Comsstaff Computer Science Staff
Consultants [no description available]
Copyright [no description available]
Cs-alumni [no description available]
Csam CSAM staff
Csamhons [no description available]
Csammsc [no description available]
Csamphd [no description available]
Cshons Computer Science Honours
Csmsc Computer Science MSc
Cspg Computer Science Postgraduate
Csphd Computer Science PhD
DataPrivacyMatters Data Privacy Matters! event mailing list
Datasciencestrategicgroup [no description available]
Dept-sbimb All SBIMB staff, postdocs and students
Ditsela-law [no description available]
Ditsela-lead [no description available]
Ditsela-org [no description available]
Ditsela-wom [no description available]
Eoh [no description available]
Fac-hs-academics [no description available]
Fac-hs-medsch [no description available]
Fac-hs-pas [no description available]
Fellows [no description available]
Gauteng-imas Gauteng-IMAS
Gci-m Global Change Institute mailing list
Grt-inspired-academics [no description available]
Hcg-honoursandmasters [no description available]
Humanitiesacademicstaff [no description available]
humanitiesgraduatecentre [no description available]
Humanitiesgraduatecentre2022 [no description available]
Humgen-seminars [no description available]
Humgen_staff [no description available]
Humgen_students [no description available]
IDORI Wits IDORI mailing list
journalclub-sbimb SBIMB Journal Club list
Kudus Varsity Kudus Running Club
LINK-Info LINK Centre information: research outputs, events, course offerings
Macsupport Mac support group
Madiva-coordination [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Mailmanadmin [no description available]
Marketing-media-list [no description available]
MaterialsScience All Materials Science and Solid-State Researchers at Wits
Math1 Mathematics I Major
Math2 Mathematics II Major
Math3 Mathematics III Major
Mngmtcore-grt-inspired [no description available]
Mss Mathematical Sciences Support
Ncc [no description available]
NTEU [no description available]
Nuta [no description available]
Nuta-adjudicators [no description available]
Nuta-mentorship [no description available] [no description available]
Paeds-consultants Paediatric Consultants
Paudc2025.sgo [no description available]
Raa [no description available]
Registrar [no description available]
Research-associates.scis [no description available]
Research.Management Wits Research Admin & Management
Saci [no description available]
SafetyComm-MSB MSB/MSL Building Safety Committee
SAHS Southern African Historical Society
Samsalist [no description available]
SARIMAportfoliocomm-rm SARIMA RM Portfolio Comm
Saut.ncc [no description available]
Saut.nuta [no description available]
Saut.nutaadj [no description available]
sbimb-awigen-steerco AWI-Gen Steering Committee
Sch_chemistry_postdoc [no description available]
SciComm Internal Wits science communication mailing list
SciFac-DSC-EarthSci Faculty of Science Deans' Select Comm in Earth Sciences
Scis-mcom2024 [no description available]
Sef-students [no description available]
Shac [no description available]
Shcd.council [no description available]
Stathons [no description available]
Stats Stats Staff
Stats2 Statistics II Major
Stats3 Statistics III Major
steerco.awi-gen AWI-Gen Steering Committee
Sugarman [no description available]
Tap [no description available]
Test [no description available]
Test1 [no description available]
Test_research [no description available]
Turing-Tipplers Private
wits-core-announce Wits Core Research Cluster User
Witscommunity [no description available]
Witsjunction2025 [no description available]
WitsResearchOffice Advertising research funding opportunities
Wmc-2023registeredschools [no description available]
WMC-All-Schools WMC All Schools
WMC-PreviouslyRegistered Wits Maths Competition-previouslyregistered
Wmc-registeredschools2022 WMC Registered Schools
Wmc-wits-students-2022 [no description available]
Wmc_2024_registered_schools [no description available]
Wmc_teachers [no description available]
Wsgvisitingstaff [no description available]

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