[Sugarman] subscribers v2

Keith Breckenridge keith at breckenridge.org.za
Wed Apr 17 07:04:43 SAST 2013

Morning All.

Here an augmented list of subscribers (including Derek!) of those who are
interested in plotting the five year collaboration between WISER and the
ASC.  Please let me know if I've left anyone else off.

Shireen    Ally
Devon    Archer
Adam    Ashforth
Kelly    Askew
Prinisha    Badassy
Belinda    Bozzoli
Keith    Breckenridge
Catherine    Burns
Sharad    Chari
David    Cohen
Adila    Deshmukh
Najibha    Deshmukh
David    Doris
Paul    Edwards
Frieda    Ekotto
Geoff    Eley
Nafisa    Essop Sheik
Nicky    Falkov
Raimi    Gbadamosi
Kelly    Gillespie
Clive    Glaser
Elizabeth    Gunner
Pamila    Gupta
Rebecca    Hardin
Shireen    Hassim
Gabrielle    Hecht
Daniel    Herwitz
Isabel    Hofmeyr
Nancy    Hunt
Judy    Irvine
Cynthia    Kros
Christopher    Lee
Achille    Mbembe
Dilip    Menon
Brenda    Mhlambi
Martin    Murray
Ashlee    Neser
Noor    Nieftagodien
Sarah    Nuttall
Adedamola    Osinulu
Bheki    Peterson
Derek    Peterson
Anne    Pitcher
Raymond    Silverman
Mrinalini    Sinha
Stephen    Sparks
Karl    von Holdt
David    Wallace
Jennifer    Wenzel
Hylton    White
Eric    Worby

Keith Breckenridge  *W I S E R* - The Wits Institute for Social and
Economic Research, University of the Witwatersrand | Pbag 3, PO Wits,
 Johannesburg, South Africa, 2050 | Tel: +27117174272  | Cell:
+27726519248  | Fax: 0867654213 | Web: wiser.wits.ac.za
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