[Sugarman] Urban Workshop

Sarah Charlton Sarah.Charlton at wits.ac.za
Thu Oct 30 07:07:26 SAST 2014

Hi - a date constraint to add to the mix if possible: a couple of us would not be able to make 1 - 4 March due to a student field trip to Maputo.
best wishes
From: Keith Breckenridge [keith at breckenridge.org.za]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:51 AM
Cc: sugarman at lists.wits.ac.za
Subject: Re: [Sugarman] Urban Workshop

Can I put in a suggestion that we do this workshop over the Michigan Spring Break, March 1 - 10, or similar.   The workshop will not be as long as last year, so it might be possible to do March 2 to 9 or similar.  I don't mean to remind you of what lies ahead, but winter is coming and Johannesburg in March (or any time between mid - October and early May) is lovely.   I won't belabour the point about having two winters ...

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 1:08 AM, Gabrielle Hecht <hechtg at umich.edu<mailto:hechtg at umich.edu>> wrote:
Thanks, Claudia.

Early May might be (barely) doable for me, depending on the exact timing. Early July (if we were done no later than 6/11) would be distinctly better. And the last week of June would be best of all.

I wonder if you organizing folks could post a description of the workshop? I imagine it's evolved since the original proposal, and I suspect that would help a lot of people figure out whether to go.


Gabrielle Hecht<http://gabriellehecht.org>
Professor of History<http://www.lsa.umich.edu/history>, University of Michigan
Director, Program in Science, Technology, and Society<http://www.lsa.umich.edu/sts> | @MichiganSTS<https://twitter.com/MichiganSTS>

On Oct 27, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Claudia Gastrow <Claudia.Gastrow at wits.ac.za<mailto:Claudia.Gastrow at wits.ac.za>> wrote:

Hi all

We are beginning to organise the planned workshop on urbanism for next year and would like to settle on some dates. From some initial inquiries, it seems like early May might be the best time period for the workshop to take place, but we'd like to open up to the list to discuss this. Early July has also been raised as a possible time, although that might be difficult for people on the South African side as there are already quite a few workshops and conferences taking place here over the June/July period. If people could post back to the list about whether May, July or some other month would be better for them, we can begin to nail down some dates.



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