[Sugarman] Journal of African History Forum on Thompson

Anne Pitcher pitchera at umich.edu
Thu Feb 23 16:32:49 SAST 2017

What delightful news. It¹s good to hear about all the fabulous research that
has emerged from our joint meetings. Congrats to everyone who has

Just to note-this is the first I²ve heard from sugarman in a while. It would
be good to hear about any upcoming meetings. I²d  just like to stay informed
about what is going on.

Best, Anne
Anne Pitcher
University of Michigan
President, African Studies Association

From:  Keith Breckenridge <keith at breckenridge.org.za>
Date:  Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 12:52 AM
To:  "sugarman at lists.wits.ac.za" <sugarman at lists.wits.ac.za>
Subject:  [Sugarman] Journal of African History Forum on Thompson

Dear friends,

I'm delighted to say that JAH have now published a forum on EP Thompson
based on our workshop in Ann Arbor in 2015.  It's here
urnal-afh-volume-58-issue-1/5B46C1BA8A1163D43C7687E8E7762FF0>  and includes
short papers by Peter Delius, John Higginson, Derek Peterson and Luise
White.  I know that many of the other papers are being prepared for a
special issue of Social History and Stephen Sparks care.

Best wishes, k

Keith Breckenridge  W I S E R - The Wits Institute for Social and Economic
Research, University of the Witwatersrand | Pbag 3, PO Wits,  Johannesburg,
South Africa, 2050 | Phone +27(0)11-7174272 | Web: wiser.wits.ac.za |
<http://wiser.wits.ac.za>  Biometric State, CUP, Sept 2014
<http://goo.gl/nJKK5N>  | Co - Editor, Journal of African History
<http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=AFH> .
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